My Father my Mentor

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

Greetings to everyone, hope we all are doing great today. The person who has greatly impacted my life is my father. From memorable advices to countless wise words, he has always known how to speak to a son who sometimes doubt the uncertainty of his future.

Here’s is my story!

It all began during the long semester break of my second year in the university. To be honest, I was going through the worst times of my life, I was depressed, stressed, anxious, tired and unhappy about life. I just wanted to quit, go away and start something new. So, when I came back home after the second semester exams, I took some time to rest and reflect about everything I really wanted.

One week later, I confronted my father and made my intentions clear to him. But to my greatest surprise, he didn’t get upset after I had spoken. Instead, he told me that he understood me and wanted the best for me. But wouldn’t advice me to stop schooling yet. I was puzzled at the moment and wondering what to do next but my father quickly saw the anxiety on my face and said to me “The becoming of a great man requires a great sacrifice“. From there, he related his past experiences to mine and when he told me all what he had to go through to become the great King he was, I understood the measure of his sacrifice.

After my conversation with him, I understood that being great is a decision that anyone can take. From that day, I decided to thrive in my academic life and every aspect of my life despite the odds. Today, I am happy to say my father impacted my life very positively because he encouraged me when no one did, he understood me when no one did and he never stop trusting in me. Indeed, he made me trust in me.


11 thoughts on “My Father my Mentor

  1. I think you have great potential to be an even better writer, I am not a professional editor. After reading here (ALL CAPS) humble suggestions for edits: “me, AND wouldn’t ADVISE me to stop schooling yet. I was puzzled, wondering what to do next…” whatever you’re doing keep doing it and always remember personal self-care

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Greetings Ayelan Kay Lee,

      Your thoughtful words have touched me deeply. Your encouragement fuels my passion and reminds me of the power of kindred spirits in this journey. I am committed to growth, both in my craft and as a person, and your support plays a vital role in this.

      Thank you for believing in me and for your invaluable suggestions. Remember, your kindness has a ripple effect that extends far beyond what we can see.

      With gratitude and respect,


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