Empowering Others

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

Greetings to everyone, hope we are all doing great today. Improvement for me, is the better version of anything we do that goes through constant discipline.

We all want to improve our life in one way or the other, it could be financially, Spirituality, physically, intellectually or any  other aspect of our life.

For me, to improve my life is to improve the life of others around me. I am aware that everyone is fighting silent battles and being loving, kind, compassionate and understanding towards others make them know that they are not alone in their battles.

It’s true many people suffer and some are even killed but what can you do at your own level to wipe away the tears from someones eyes. It shouldn’t be our turn to cry before we expect compassion and kindness from others. We all might have different backgrounds, beliefs and language but we should know that the same blood flow through our veins.

So, remember that any real improvement is never seen by self but by all those around you. It’s by them that the improvement becomes evident to self. 


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