The Greediness and Hypocrisy Amongst College Students: A Deep Personal Reflection

College is often seen as a microcosm of society, a place where we not only gain knowledge but also learn about human nature. During my time in college, I was both inspired and disheartened by the behavior of my peers. It was nerve-racking to see how greediness and hypocrisy could taint what should have been a time of camaraderie and mutual growth.

I remember feeling deeply troubled when I saw people pretending to be something they were not, just to get close to others or to gain some advantage. This facade was not just superficial; it was a barrier to genuine relationships and true self-discovery. It’s disheartening to witness friends turn into competitors overnight, driven by the pressures to succeed at any cost.

One incident that stands out was when a fellow student, whom I considered a friend, betrayed another by sharing false information before a critical exam. This act of deceit not only jeopardized the victim’s performance but also shattered trust. It was a stark reminder that in the pursuit of personal gain, some are willing to compromise their integrity.

These experiences made me realize that it’s not about what you are, but who you are. Titles and achievements are temporary; character and integrity are enduring. As we navigate our paths, it’s essential to strive for a future where honesty, compassion, and authenticity are valued over deceit and pretension.

Reflecting on these memories brings a mix of nostalgia and resolve. Nostalgia for the simpler times when friendship was genuine and untainted by competition. Resolve to be better, to surround myself with people who value me for who I am, not for what I can offer them.

To my readers, I encourage you to stay true to yourselves. Let us strive to build a future based on genuine connections and shared values. Remember, the measure of a person is not in their achievements but in their character.


4 thoughts on “The Greediness and Hypocrisy Amongst College Students: A Deep Personal Reflection

  1. I absolutely agree with you. The world has become very selfish. But the Bible warns us this will happen before Jesus returns. If we are Children of God or the righteousness of God by believing in what Jesus did for us on the cross, we are different to the people of the world.

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